Bouyant Babes
I’m a mama of four Little World Changers™ - I couldn't possibly imagine life without them; they are the reason I stay grounded.
He was born about 2.5 weeks early - and although he seemed perfectly healthy at first he started showing some signs of respiratory distress. After spending one week in the NICU he FINALLY got to come home! We couldn't have been more excited to finally be a family and love on our newborn and share him with his siblings.
Life with him was the best and he was (and still is) just the sweetest. .. but then, things started going downhill again. Around 4 weeks old he became completely inconsolable every night and even during the day he was crying if he wasn't sleeping; even eating became an issue for us.
After 2 weeks of total sleep deprivation, stress and just pure exhaustion we went to my mothers house to stay the night so that she could help with the baby to help us get some rest. What we didn't know is, that is what ultimately ended up saving our sons life.
Around midnight my mother found that he had stopped breathing in his sleep and had to perform CPR until the paramedics arrived. I thank God every single day for giving me such an amazing mother that just so happens to also be a midwife and CPR certified!
This experience has shown us how fragile life is. There were moments during our experience that time stood still. I know that not all stories end as ours did and I know that not all parents get bring their babe home after something so traumatic. We are forever grateful that we still get to love on our little guy.
Our little guy is such a little fighter and is so resilient.. just like me. This is how The Buoyant Mama™ and the Buoyant Baby™ collection were born.
The word Buoyant means "to rise to the top" or "cheerful and optimistic". It's really just another word for resilient. It perfectly describes my son and I and how we just keep bouncing back, no matter what life throws our way.